Case Studies
Our team have worked on numerous projects over the years. Utilising their knowledge, development and analysis tools as well as our test and prototyping facilities. Some of our successes are featured below.
Working in partnership with our customers
Our team continually works to optimise the production processes and ensure that the products and services we offer provide valuable solutions that meet the requirements of efficiency, lightweight, cost, quality, comfort and safety. Read here some of our case studies.
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Breaking Records
As the world-leader in off-highway wheel design and manufacture, the engineering team at moveero & autostructures UK were one of the key partners in JCB’s tractor speed record.
Following two successful runs at Elvington Airfield in York, the JCB Fastrac broke the world record for a tractor, achieving a peak speed of an incredible 153.771mph and an average of 135.191mph.
As a long term partner to JCB, autostructures UK was invited to work alongside JCB’s team of young engineers to develop and manufacture a lightweight chassis capable of meeting the high speed and weight challenges of the record breaking attempt.
For the new lightweight chassis, JCB provided the initial design, based on the standard tractor chassis which autostructures UK has been supplying since 2011, but re-designed to provide a much lower centre of gravity. Following early trials, the company was then tasked with delivering additional weight savings, with the chassis ultimately weighing-in nearly 25% lighter than the standard production unit. As the unique design could not be built on the company’s usual tooling, the chassis was manufactured in autostructures UK dedicated prototype facility, with every part having to be hand set and tacked prior to welding by hand.
read more here: World's Fastest Tractor | Fastracs |
Collaboration is Key
Commenting on the work, Jamie Dobson, Manufacturing Engineer at autostructures UK, said: “throughout the project we worked closely with JCB’s engineers and alongside other project partners, drawing on our experience and expertise in engineering, prototype design and manufacture to deliver products that met the requirements of this unique project. Although the initial design was a revision of the Fastrac One project, as the programme developed, so the brief changed. Our team of engineers certainly rose to the challenge though, helping achieve the all-important, additional weight savings.”
autostructures UK are proud to have been a supplier to JCB for more than 30 years, and in the last ten years alone have supplied over standard production 22,000 chassis. Having developed extremely close working relationships across the business, it was a privilege to have the opportunity to work together and to demonstrate our capabilities on Fastrac Two.”
Although out of the ordinary, this project demonstrated the benefits of true collaboration, with a number of different manufacturers, each experts in their own field, coming together to achieve something quite extraordinary.